Which is the most distant 2-digit number from any 1-digits?

One of my recent hobby is to think of fun math problems to encourage our 6-year-old daughter to play with the virtue of numbers. At the moment she knows of multiplication and division between pairs of 1-digit integers as the most advanced topic to her.

When I talked with her over 9×9 multiplication table—a standard material for elementary math in my country—, I realized that any 2-digit integers converge to an 1-digit integer after repeatedly applying a certain operation. The operation is quite simple; take the first and second digits and multiplying them. For example, the operation, let us call it the digit multiplication hereafter, transform 23 into 2×3 = 6, 54 to 5×4 = 20, and so on.

Let us quickly recap that any 2-digit integers eventually converge to 1-digit with this. A 2-digit integer is represented as 10a+b with a, b = 1, 2, …, 9. Then, the digit multiplication converts 10a+b to ab. It is straightforward to see following two properties of the digit multiplication. First, the resultant ab is bounded from both sides as 1 ≤ ab ≤ 81. Second, the digit multiplication always returns output smaller than its input: the difference is negative as ab – (10a+b) = (a-1)b – 10a ≤ 10(a-1) – 10a = -10 (the equality holds iff a = 1). These two properties ensure that the digit multiplication transforms any 2-digit integer into 1-digit after some iterations, at most 8 times (a rough estimation).

Now if we take the number of iterations required to reduce a 2-digit integer into an 1-digit as its "distance" to any 1-digits, we can find the most distant 2-digit among 10 to 99. To find the extreme one, should we apply the digit multiplication for several times until all the results become less than 10? Definitely not! Instead, we apply the digit multiplication only once and then draw a network between numbers.

The whole space of operating the digit multiplication is represented as 10 directed trees between numbers in which a directed edge is drawn from input to output such as 23 → 6 and 54 → 20 and the roots of which are 0 to 9, i.e., the destinations. Following visualizations tell us how these trees look like:

Apparently the trees of root 0, 6, and 8 are the largest ones. By contrast, the trees of root 1, 3, 7, and 9 are the smallest ones, surrounded by only a few primes (except 33 and 91). We seem to come to the roots in a few steps wherever we start at and the most distant one may be in the trees of 0, 6, or 8.

The answer to the most-distant-one question becomes crystal clear when we plot the 2-digit integers and its distance to the nearest root as follows:

The answer is 77! Among 10 to 99, only 77 requires 4 steps to come to 8, via 77 → 49 → 36 → 18 → 8. Now dad keeps this new piece into his “fun-math-fact” list to show it to daughters someday…

Below is the script to reproduce the figures:


# Set the data
x <- 0:99
y <- ifelse (x < 10, NA, (x %/% 10) * (x %% 10))
df <- data.frame("x" = x, "y" = y)

# Create a directed graph from the data
g <- graph.data.frame(df %>% filter(!is.na(y)), directed = TRUE)

# Find 10 components (directed & rooted trees) in g
c <- components(g)

# Plot each tree
for (cid in 1:10) {
  cc <- induced.subgraph(g, vids = V(g)[c$membership == cid], impl = "copy_and_delete")
  plot.igraph(x = cc,
              vertex.color = ifelse(degree(cc, mode = "out") == 0, "light blue", "white"),
              vertex.label.family = "sans",
              edge.arrow.size = 0.5)

# Plot the distance from leaves to the nearest root (1-digit number)
d <- distances(graph = g, v = V(g)[1:90], to = V(g)[91:100], mode = "out")
dmin <- apply(X= as.matrix(d, ncol = 9), MARGIN = 1, FUN = min)

ggplot (data = data.frame(x = as.integer(names(dmin)), y = dmin),
        aes(x = x, y = y, color =y)) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = x, y = 0, xend = x, yend=y), size = 1.2) +
  geom_point(size=3, color = "grey40") +
  xlab("2-digit number") +
  ylab("distance to the nearest 1-digit number") +
  scale_color_continuous(low = "grey", high = "#0072B2") +
  guides(color = FALSE) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 15)

Advantages to be an interdisciplinary being (on a transition to the industry)


そんな記憶がまだ新しいうちに、佐山弘樹さんが Twitter に投稿されていた講演資料に目が止まり、スライドを一息に読んだ。学際的(interdisciplinary)研究者として生き残るためのヒントが、ご自身の実体験に基づいて書かれてある。(個人的には、佐山さんとは2012年頃から国際学会でお会いすると食事をご一緒したり良くしていただいていて、その意味でもスライドから活き活きとしたトークの雰囲気を感じながら読んだ。)

スライド中、”Challenges” の節にまず取り上げられる identity crisis は、ああ正に先日の自分のことだと実感をもって同意する。今回だけでなく「何の研究をしているんですか」と聞かれて相手が得心するような答えを返せなかった経験は少なからずある。論文や研究費の出し先を選ぶのが難しかった記憶もいまだ鮮明である。なんと因果な道を選んでいたものかと改めて思う(私はすでに論文執筆を成果とする職業研究者ではないので、この辺りはすべて過去形になる)。

この記事を書こうと思ったのは、スライドにある学際的研究者の “Survival tips” は、アカデミアの外に出ても有効であるしその処世術を体得していることは学際的研究者にとって大きな優位点になるということを書き残しておきたかったからだ。


こう言い表すと「相手の『世界の分かり方』を理解する」能力の射程は、学術研究に限ったものではないことがわかる。企業に所属するデータサイエンティストとしての私の職責は、データの統計分析に基づく客観的な根拠でビジネス上の意思決定を支えることである。プロジェクトに関わる様々な立場の人々が納得するように、既存のドキュメントやミーティングでの会話に気を配って相手の「世界の分かり方」を推測し、自分の専門知識を使って最も効果的なアプローチを提案する。ウェブで定期的に話題に上がる「データサイエンティストにビジネス理解は必要か」という議論も、根本的にはこのようなコミュニケーションの問題ではないかと思う。様々な「世界の分かり方」をする人々と協業できる現職は健全で居心地がよいと思っている。その環境で職責を果たすために常に新しいことを学び続けることは、むしろ楽しい(Tips 3 “Keep learning new stuff”!!)。



このことは、狭義の自然科学研究者だけでなく、現代では科学的知識を用いて未知の事象に取り組む職業に広く当てはまるのではないかと思う。謙虚に耳を傾けるべき対象は自然そのものだけではなく、他分野の研究者であったり全く畑違いの同僚であったりする。頭が悪くかつ頭がよい人に近づくための自分なりの指針は、常に interdisciplinary であり続けることである。



Visualize the use of alphabets in country code

On a commuting train, random browsing between international news outlets left me a kind of fun question; which character of the Latin alphabet is most popular in the use for the 2-character country code? I am living in the country represented by ‘J’ and ‘P’ and wondering how likely this pair can arise by random chance.

R language is so handy to quickly satisfy this kind of curiosity that more or less 30-min coding provided me with some visuals. The countrycode package largely helped me do this.

The first visual is a 2D tile plot in which the used pairs are filled with blue. In this plot, its y (x) axis is arranged in the descending order of appearance count as the first (second) character. Characters ‘M’, ‘S’, ‘G’ and ‘T’ seem popular both as the first and second ones. The ordered pair from ‘J’ to ‘P’ finds its place close to the right-bottom corner, which implies this combination is fairly unexpected soley in terms of frequency.

Human mind cannot help seeing the tile plot as an adjacency matrix between the characters, defining a directed network among them. Therefore, the second visual is a plot of the directed network between the 26 characters in which an edge is drawn from the first to second characters used in an actual code. The size of a vertex is roughly proportional to the total number of connections it holds. Core, medium, and peripheral characters loosely form a complex web.

Below is the script to reproduce these figures:


# Extract the relevant data
df_country_name_iso2c <- codelist %>%
  select(country.name.en, iso2c) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(iso2c)) %>%
  mutate(fst = substr(iso2c, 1, 1),
         scd = substr(iso2c, 2, 2),
         val = 1)

# Count how many times each letter appears as the first one
fst_rank <- df_country_name_iso2c %>% 
  group_by(fst) %>% 
  summarise(count = n()) %>% 

# fst "X" should be added manually
fst_rank <- data.frame(fst = "X", count = 0) %>% 

# Count how many times each letter appears as the second one
scd_rank <- df_country_name_iso2c %>% 
  group_by(scd) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%

# Draw a tile plot 
ggplot(data = df_country_name_iso2c,
       aes(x = scd, y = fst, fill = val)) +
  geom_tile() +
  scale_y_discrete(limits = fst_rank$fst) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = scd_rank$scd) + 
  guides(fill = FALSE) +
  coord_fixed() +
  ggtitle("ISO alpha-2 country code") +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 15)
# Convert the data into a graph
g <- graph.data.frame(d = df_country_name_iso2c %>% 
                        select(fst, scd))

# Draw a plot of the graph
plot.igraph(x = g,
            vertex.size = 0.6*(2+degree(graph = g, mode = "total")),
            vertex.color = "white",
            vertex.label.family = "sans",
            edge.arrow.size = 0.2,
            edge.curved = TRUE,
            layout = layout.kamada.kawai(graph = g))

ウェブサイエンス研究会オープンセミナー vol.6 で登壇しました

東京大学の橋本康弘さんにお招きいただき、ウェブサイエンス研究会オープンセミナー vol. 6 において講演を行いました。



TL;DR 毎日とても楽しくやっています。


同時期に読んだ Duncan J. Watts の Should social science be more solution-oriented? には強く影響を受けました。Watts 自身が企業に所属する研究者なので「実問題の解決を目指そう」というスローガンはポジショントーク的に聞こえるかと思います。しかしながら、あくまで「結果の再現可能性を重視する」「異分野の連携を高める」という目的のために実問題の解決という手段を提案しているということが、丁寧に読むとわかります。自分が研究活動を通じて真に実現したいことは何かを改めて考える上で、重要な示唆を得ました。
(全くの余談ですが、学部3年の講義で Watts-Strogatz 論文について知ったことが研究の道を志した大きなきっかけの1つでした。今回のキャリアチェンジでも大きな影響を受けたので、勝手に心の中で Watts 先生と思っています。)







